What Good Web Design? 8 Rules to Follow

Because the design of your company’s website affects customer experience, lead generation, and revenue, creating a good layout is critical. Web design accounts for 94% of first impressions.

So, what exactly is a good web design? 8 Rules to Follow and how do you create a website that meets the requirements?


Why is good website design important?

Web design is required because it directs your visitors through the ideal customer journey. It makes a good first impression, highlights your products and services, and drives visitors to conversions. Quality websites include aesthetics, but they also include other elements.

An effective web design provides a simple and enjoyable user experience. Customers are more likely to interact with you if your website is visually appealing and serves a clear purpose.


An outstanding design will:

Construct trust and credibility.
Encourage visitors to take action.
Boost conversions.


8 web design principles to follow

To create a site that persuades visitors to convert, visual and usability elements must be combined. Use these principles to create a good website design.

1. Purpose

Users are visiting your website for a specific reason, such as to learn more about a product or your company. To be effective, your web design must accommodate visitors’ needs and guide them to your desired action. Customers will appreciate it if you have clear intentions for each page and include call-to-action buttons.

Make buyer personas to figure out what your audience expects and how they will interact with your website. Each persona will have different preferences for design elements, so keep that in mind as you continue to build your site.

Whatever your purpose or buyer personas are, every website should achieve the following objectives:

1. Increase brand awareness
2. Increase traffic 
3. lead conversion


2. Simplicity

Everything on your website should be obvious, self-explanatory, and simple to understand so that users can get the information they need or complete the action they want. A clean, fresh appearance is timeless and makes navigation easier.

Keep your website simple by:

Color: Choose a color palette that complements your brand, influences customer behavior, and elicits emotional responses. Use complementary colors that speak to your brand throughout your website.

Typography: It should be readable, web-friendly, and easy to skim. The right fonts will draw attention to your brand and demonstrate its personality. To improve readability, keep fonts to a minimum and contrast colors with the background.

Imagery: Your images, illustrations, videos, and graphics should embody your brand personality and draw the attention of your visitors to specific information. A good balance of images and text will make your content more memorable and engaging.

Appealing color combinations, readable fonts, and high-quality images will create an impression of professionalism and credibility.


3. Navigation

The key to retaining visitors is simple, intuitive, and consistent navigation. Some examples of useful navigation design patterns include:

Including a search bar near the top of the page
Incorporating navigation into the footer
Keeping options as simple and as few as possible
Including links to descriptive anchor text within the copy


4. Visual hierarchy

A good website design organizes information in order of importance, establishing a focal point with elements such as color, size, contrast, imagery, and more. Making a visual hierarchy will assist viewers in naturally gravitating toward important content on your page.

Website visitors frequently scan in an F-pattern, reading or skimming the information in the top and left areas. Working with this natural scanning pattern will assist you in providing a beneficial experience to your users.


5. Content

The importance of content in attracting and influencing visitors cannot be overstated. Audiences value quality and credibility, so when your copy is useful and straightforward, it will direct users to specific actions. Use search engine optimization (SEO) writing to incorporate keywords and increase traffic to your website.

To emphasize specific points, use bold and italics. Include bulleted lists and headings to assist readers in skimming and digesting content. Because many visitors will scan a page before reading it, make important information visible.

White space can be used to break up text while keeping the focus on valuable content. White space assists readers in processing design and writing while also directing them to where you want them to go.


6. Functionality

When users visit a website, they expect certain experiences, such as a clickable logo that returns them to the home page and changing link colors after they click on them. Use these guidelines to ensure that your visitors have a pleasant and easy experience.

Good websites are mobile-friendly, with responsive layouts that provide an excellent user experience on any device. The design can look different on a desktop than it does on a smartphone, as long as visitors can easily access information.


7. Consistency

Create a unified design that flows from page to page of your website. Pay attention to small details, such as footer icons and text spacing, to ensure that every aspect of your design represents your brand and caters to your target audience.

Customers will recognize your brand, develop trust, and eventually convert if the backgrounds, color schemes, typefaces, and tone of writing are consistent across all pages.


8. Credibility

Users judge credibility based on visual design, so use each of these principles to build trust with your audience. Easy-to-read text, useful content, appealing color schemes, and intuitive navigation will demonstrate to your visitors that you are trustworthy and serious about your products and services.

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