Best Instagram Features For Businesses 2023 to promote their products. It has many features that make it easy for people to share and interact with content.
Social media is the best way to get your message out there. It has many features that make it easy for people to share and interact with content. The platform allows you to stay connected with your friends, family, and followers.
Social media is a great way to promote your product or service. You can fetch a lot of followers in a short time and you can get engagement on your post. This is because it has features that make it easy for people to share their thoughts and respond to posts.
Some of the best Instagram features are:
- Reels – At The Top. …
- Videos – The Evergreen Format. …
- Stories and Stickers – The Most Interactive. …
- Instagram Shops. …
- Live Sessions. …
- Carousels. …
- Stories Highlights.
1. Reels – At The Top :
We are convinced that Instagram and its algorithm are primarily concerned with using Reels as the primary format for social media content marketing. So it’s not rocket science to realize that any quality content featuring trending sounds and promoted as a short-format video will receive more reach and impressions than feed videos.
2. Videos – The Evergreen Format:
Instagram users have always been fans of video format since its inception, which is why more video-centric apps like TikTok emerged, increasing market competition. Different businesses prefer video content from various influencers and celebrities for endorsement purposes, and this Instagram video feature is ideal for it. Videos are an excellent way to introduce your company culture to your followers and customers while also building trust.

3. Stories and Stickers – The Most Interactive:
Instagram Stories is without a doubt one of the most popular Instagram features. Almost everyone who uses Instagram, whether for personal or professional reasons, uses and loves this one feature. Stories are bite-sized pieces of content that appear as tappable circles at the top of your followers’ feeds. You have 24 hours to view content before it disappears, just like on Snapchat.
Instagram Stories can be viewed as many times as you want, and you can react to them by sending a message directly from the story to your inbox. Above all, they can be shared from a public account to your own stories or a separate account.
● Stickers
Stickers are the most interactive feature on Instagram if you want immediate results or to start a conversation.
To educate the audience about your brand or an upcoming new product, use questions and poll stickers. Polls help to spark discussion among your followers about the services you offer and those that people are interested in.
Location Stickers are popular for brand promotions because influencers and bloggers can always share the location of your shop in their stories. The Location Sticker assists in creating a tappable link to the appropriate location in order to generate more clicks/interactions.
Link Stickers are a new Instagram feature that replaces swipe-up links, which were previously available only to accounts with a certain number of followers. Link Stickers are now available for everyone to use to connect their business websites, online shops, blogs, and anything else with a URL outside of Instagram directly to their stories.
Mentions and Hashtags are the most commonly used stickers. Businesses use hashtags to start trends or to jump on a popular trend to gain more visibility and reach. Mentions allow you to tag a specific person or people in your story, who can then reshare it in their own stories.
4. Instagram Shops:
When the pandemic hit physical businesses in 2020, one of the meta’s revolutionary steps was to enter eCommerce by launching Instagram Shops.
Shops are full-screen storefronts for any brand that allows marketers to make product discovery simple and convenient. Consumers or users can visit a shop by following a business on Instagram or by scrolling through their feeds/stories. The Shop tab is located on the main creator’s profile; once there, you can easily browse products, explore collections and purchase products.
Instagram shopping is evolving, and its e-commerce offerings now include:
Feed Posts Shopping – Once you’ve established Instagram shopping, you can tag up to 5 products directly on the feed with a single image or video.
Shopping Carousel Posts – Directly tag up to 20 products on a carousel post with multiple images. Instagram introduced product stickers as an alternative to swipe-up links, allowing businesses to tag physical products from their inventory or e-commerce platform directly to stories displaying the products.
Shopping on Reels – Product tagging can now be done within reels as well.
5. Live Sessions:
Instagram Live is very popular and widely used in several Instagram features, from big brands to new small businesses. These are videos, but they are in real-time! To make the most of live sessions, they can be saved as recorded videos on the feed.
But, how does Instagram Live help a marketer?
The first fundamentals of generating customers are brand authenticity and transparency, which live sessions provide. Furthermore, when you go live on Instagram, everyone who follows you is notified; these flowers can react or comment during your live sessions, and they can also request to be a part of the ongoing session. Instagram Live allows you to collaborate by inviting a co-host or a guest to your session to have a great discussion that can be seen by your guest’s audience as well.
Instagram Live is also great for generating potential leads, building communities, and increasing Instagram engagement. People may approach you with questions that you can answer right away, or you can ask your followers to message you with questions about whatever topic you’ll be discussing during the live broadcast ahead of time.
Real-time interactions are beneficial to brand exposure.
6. Carousels:
When it comes to bringing my created content to the masses, this is one of my favorite Instagram features. As a social media management tool, our primary goal is to generate content about how anyone, from entrepreneurs to startups to agencies, can use social media to boost their businesses, increase sales, and educate their followers within their capabilities.
Carousels, as a format with multiple photos, allow brands and services to better display their products to potential customers. This format is also useful for creating interactive content, allowing brands to educate customers about their services or share insights about their brand story.
A carousel on ‘Why to Post Content on LinkedIn’ worked really well for Social Champ within 24 hours, as shown in the screenshot. This single carousel resulted in more Instagram followers, customer conversions, and increased traffic to the company’s website.
7. Stories Highlights:
This is a new feature on Instagram that many people, including myself, enjoy. We are all aware that stories vanish in 24 hours, but highlights do not!
Instagram Stories Highlights enable brands to have their most promising story updates stay on the Instagram profile for longer for anyone visiting the business. Instagram saves your Story Highlights at the top of your profile page for followers to view and enjoy. Marketers use this feature to highlight special events covered, compile customer reviews in one place, compile quotes or tips, and much more.
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