8 Crucial types of CRM Reports You Must Use in 2022.

Platforms for customer relationship management (CRM) collect important data about your audience and find insights so you may implement policies that increase sales.

However, you need CRM reports to evaluate trends and audience data.

We’ll cover all there is to know about CRM reporting on this page, including what it is, why you need it, and the eight different sorts of reports you should utilize to increase sales and revenue.

Continue reading to find out more!

What is CRM reporting?

CRM platforms offer the useful feature of CRM reporting, which provides you with a thorough overview of all the data your software has gathered and tracked. It helps in the discovery of trends, holes in your sales funnel, and marketing strategy improvement chances.

Why do you need CRM reporting?

Do you require CRM reporting, then? Yes! A CRM report can help your business in a variety of ways.

Reports from CRM are essential for :

customize experiences

You must speak to the interests and requirements of your clients to persuade them to convert. A CRM report provides insightful information about your audience, including their demographics and online behaviors. With the use of this information, you can tailor your prospect’s interactions with messaging that will appeal to them.

form strong partnerships

To convince your prospects to become clients, you must establish relationships with them. To develop client loyalty and keep them coming back for more, you also need to stay in touch with your customers. All the contact information you require to create enduring relationships that generate income is presented in a CRM report.

Earn a higher return on investment (ROI)

You can increase your ROI by using CRM reporting. It makes it simple for you to see trends and holes in your sales funnel. With this information, you can improve your marketing tactics and plug any gaps in your sales process to increase conversions and revenue.

8 types of CRM reports you need to use in 2022

Which reports in your CRM should you view, do you wonder? Check out these eight crucial CRM report types you must utilize in 2022:

  1. Pipeline report
  2. Sales performance report
  3. Forecasted sales report
  4. Lead source analysis report
  5. Call report
  6. Profitability report
  7. Goals report
  8. Campaign performance report

1. Pipeline report :

Accessing your pipeline report is important for CRM reporting. A visual snapshot of the whole sales funnel is provided by your CRM pipeline report.

To simply observe how your prospects are moving toward conversion, you may examine the total number of leads and their current stage in your funnel.

You can see where leads are leaving and entering your funnel with a pipeline report. With this knowledge, you can figure out which channels generate the most leads and any issues that stop leads from converting.

2. Sales performance report

The number of closed agreements and sales your company generates is shown in a sales performance report. It’s a great technique to assess your sales team’s performance and compare your current sales to your overall goals.

You may see how much each of your current sales of particular goods and services are worth. It also helps you to assess which team members closed the most deals and the number of lost opportunities for sales during a specific time frame.

3. Forecasted sales report

Wouldn’t it be good to get an idea of how much money and how many sales your business will generate in the future? Yes, you can, thanks to a CRM anticipated sales report!

Based on prior data from your leads, sales, and trends, this sort of CRM report will provide your predicted revenue within a given time frame .

With the aid of sales predictions, you may devote funds to the tactics that will increase your company’s income and growth and set benchmarks for upcoming objectives.

4. Lead source analysis report

In order to determine which channels generate the most leads for your business, you must employ a lead source analysis study.

You may see what marketing channels provide leads by viewing a CRM lead source analysis report. You can examine how potential customers first heard about your company and what interests their interest in your goods or services.

With these insightful tips, you can optimize the lead generation methods that result in the greatest number of leads and conversions for your company rather than wasting money on the ones that don’t.

5. Call and interaction reports

The call and interaction report come in second on our list of the greatest CRM report types. This report breaks into the calls and interactions your prospects have with your sales staff.

You may see, for instance, who sales representative the prospect spoke with, the emails your sales team has previously sent to them, and the topics they covered during their consultation with your sales team.

When nurturing leads, this overview keeps your sales team organized and on task. Without this information, it would be simple for your team to overlook crucial points that can result in a lead leaving your sales to funnel.

6. Profitability report

An analysis of your CRM’s profitability shows how much money you make from particular clients. Additionally, it might reveal which of your clients are most committed to your brand and are most likely to make further purchases.

Finding high-quality leads for your organization depends on this report. You may concentrate more resources on nurturing and converting those leads to make more sales once you know which prospects are most likely to generate the greatest money for your business.

7. Goals report

You must set targets and analyze your progress toward achieving them if you want to grow your business. This is what a CRM goals report allows you to do.

You may quickly see how close you are to achieving your subsequent sales or revenue objectives by looking at a CRM goals report. And if you’re now off course to reach your objective, you can modify your methods or enhance your plans to get back on course.

8. Campaign performance report

CRM reporting is essential for assessing how well your marketing initiatives and tactics are working. Because of this, it’s crucial to use a CRM campaign performance report.

The ROI, conversion rate, click-through rate (CTR), and other crucial marketing strategy indicators are tracked in a campaign performance report.

You may determine which marketing tactics generate the most money for your company by monitoring the results of your marketing efforts. As a result, you can concentrate on perfecting those tactics to get even better outcomes later on.


Need help with your CRM reporting?

At Aadimedia, we know that it’s no easy feat to uncover revenue-driving insights from your CRM. That’s why our industry-leading platform, CRMROI, offers comprehensive reports that analyze the data and insights that matter the most to your bottom line.

With CRMROI, you can:

  • Measure your ROI
  • Track the entire lifecycle of your leads from initial awareness to conversion
  • Store prospect and customer contact information
  • And much more



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